Showcase of Cherokee Artistry

Close-up of hands skillfully weaving a basket, focusing on the detailed work of artists aligning thin wooden strips.

The Traditional Arts and Crafts of the Cherokee

For untold centuries, Cherokee artists have turned natural materials such as river cane, clay, wood, and stone into beautiful works of art. Basketry, pottery, stone carving, wood carving, bead working, finger weaving, and traditional masks are a few of the timeless forms of Cherokee art that endure today.

Each piece of authentic Cherokee artwork comes from traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. The culture, history, and sacred traditions of the Cherokee all come alive in the art that can be found in Cherokee, North Carolina.

An elderly woman with gray hair, wearing a red and white shirt, sits by a clothes rack in a serene, shaded outdoor setting as she expertly crafts colorful textile art with playful designs.

Balancing tradition and innovation in Cherokee art.

Cherokee artists have learned from their families and community the age-old techniques and aesthetics of their culture, using materials native to the Southern Appalachians and calling upon traditions passed down for many generations. Yet, they are also innovators of artistic expression. Many Cherokee artists weave in these traditional approaches while drawing upon influences from the wider art community. The results are complex and beautiful. Just as the Cherokee people throughout history have continually learned to reinvent themselves while holding true to their essential Cherokee identity, so are the Cherokee artists of today.

Meet Cherokee Artists

When you come to Cherokee, you will have many opportunities to meet Cherokee artists, and perhaps even watch as they work.

Visit Cherokee’s Oconaluftee Indian Village to see how Cherokee artists worked and lived in the 18th Century. Watch as village artisans make traditional Cherokee arts and crafts such as pottery, masks, double-woven baskets, and beadwork.

At Qualla Arts & Crafts Mutual, you can meet some of the living masters of Cherokee art. This historic cooperative has been preserving and promoting Cherokee art and showcasing the talents of Cherokee artists since 1946. Visit this beautiful gallery store to meet artists and shop for authentic Cherokee handcrafts.

Shop for crafts and artworks directly from the Cherokee artisans who made them at the Islands Park Art Market. This open air market is open every day in beautiful Cherokee Island Park.

An artist painting colorful, whimsical figures on a canvas, set up on an easel outdoors, surrounded by nature. the artist is focused intently on her work.

gallery of Artwork

We invite you to take a look at our collection of handmade art, each piece a testament to the skillful hands and boundless imagination of its creator.

A collage of four images: a smiling woman holding colorful handcrafted bags, a detailed handmade basket on a rock by water, and a wooden carving of a deer in a natural setting.

Cherokee Awaits.

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